The Remote Show LIVE

Every month, the remote work advocacy community comes together to connect, share stories and learn together.

Click below to be invited!

What is "The Remote Show LIVE"?

Once upon a time (2019? 2020?), your humble hosts Charles and Tyler met in a Networkplaceless breakout room, and followed that up with a Zoom chat of our own.Since then you could say that our friendship and professional collaborations escalated quickly...

Charles and Tyler in Paris in 2022 after a dinner that included
Breton oysters, snails and other fine French Cuisine

Most (All?) of you reading this have also experienced the serendipity of finding friends and colleagues in the long tail of the internet. You, too, have learned just how special URL to IRL connections can be.That night in Paris was the genesis for "The Remote Show Live". Over wine at Café de Flore, then La Parisienne ales after dinner we started scheming: can we recreate Networkplaceless? Can we gather the remote work advocacy community again to hang out and learn together?

Why you should attend:

+ Hang out other remote work advocates
+ Learn about the latest workplace trends
+ Share knowledge with others
+ Expand your network of friends, colleagues
and potential business partners

See you soon!

Join Us!

Complete the form below to be invited to our next meet up!

Thank You

Talk to you soon,
Charles and Tyler
